
Playoff for the win with X teams(1)

If there is such a rule ...

playoff for the win with three teams participating (max member.4vs4vs4).

playoff for the win with four teams participating (max member .3vs3vs3vs3).

There is an element that the team will drop out. (The dropped team will watch until the result is announced?)
There is a time limit and there is a top draw.
MS-centered game rules (infantry action is excluded in principle).
The Re-Spawn point is the base or its remains.
The return time is shortened as in the simple battle.

(Selection) Bases are set up for each team. 1/4 to 1/3 HP of normal.

You can win by leaving the points of your team and losing all points of the enemy team. (Score calculation is different from the mixup rule)
There are cost limits. The cost range is the specified cost + 0 ~ -100 (minimum specified cost 200).
The team's initial point is
Team member × 5 × designated cost (4 members are 400 costs: 4 * 5 * 400 = 8000)
The score lost by destroying a base is different from the normal calculation. (Center cost = Specified cost x number of members) Even if you create a team at a low cost, the score lost when the team is destroyed is constant for all teams.

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