First of all, I will come up with an idea based on the judgment that "abandonment of battle" is not good at this time.
When a certain team passes a certain amount of time during a clan match after "battle abandoned", the team is treated as a "forced give-up".
In this clan match, we will define battle abandonment.
"30 seconds or more have passed without riding MS since the infantry sortie"
"When you are on the MS, 2 minutes or more have passed without adjusting the reticle to the enemy at all."
Then a warning message appears. If 10 seconds or more pass after the warning, it will be treated as "forced give up" and you will lose the game.
Allow "voluntary give-up" in team units during clan match.
Prepare a way to give up without treating it as "forced give up". We will prepare a text chat available only during clan match. I haven't decided what to say, but if you show this chat to your teammates, other players will be able to express their willingness to give up for 10 seconds. In response, other players will also give up chat, and if the majority responds, it will be treated as "voluntary give up" and the game will end.
Adjustment of the clan match point calculation method that can be acquired by the team that won by "the enemy gave up" and the addition of season points to the clan.
Regardless of the circumstances, you can receive clan match points even if your opponent gives up.
It is 5% of the same game score as at the end of the normal game, but the upper limit is calculated as 600. Add a fixed bonus of 500 to it, and the rest is the same calculation.
And only the clan to which the winning team belongs will receive "Season Points".
Penalty for the clan to which the team that was defeated by "forced give-up" belongs and score calculation for that team.
Teams that give up will not get clan match points.
A clan will be warned if one team was once treated as "forced give up" or twice as "voluntary give up".
If the team to which the warned clan belongs is treated as "give up" in the future. That clan will not be able to participate in this clan match.
Season points will be given to each clan that participated until the end of the game.
"Season points" can be contributed to the clan to which the team has completed the clan match match. These points are tentative points during the clan match, but they become fixed points at the end of the clan match, and the same number is given to each individual. Confirmed points can be used to earn experience values for clan, tokens, DP, recycling tickets, and exchange items that will be exhibited only in each season.
It is a recognition that if the battle is abandoned, it is expected that it will end without playing until the full game time, so we added a reward and a weight of give-up penalty to the completion of the battle as a deterrent measure.
I'm worried
Players who have been deprived of MS may be infantry for more than 30 seconds, so an exception must be added there.
In principle, if you keep aiming at enemies out of range for a long time, it will be treated as abandoned unless you keep it for less than two minutes.
So far this time.
You may think of something again, but it is only a delusional category. Just watch what the actual clan match environment will look like.
see you.
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