
Guncannon A

Delusion-MS #025: 

The machine performance and armament described in this article are all based on our own research and are unsubstantiated delusions. 

MS Name: 
RX-77-1A Guncannon A

Missing Mobile Suit Variations (M-MSV)
GUNDAM wiki : RX-77-1A Guncannon A, Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation 2 Wiki Guncannon, Guncannon Beam Rifle, Blow. We referred from the article.

Machine Concept: 
This machine is a Guncannon Type equipped with experimental armament. The performance is almost the same as Guncannon, and the walking speed is slightly faster. The feature is a missile launcher equipped on the arm.

This machine has an initial level of 350 and is the same as the Guncannon. Therefore, the performance is similar.

Equipped Weapons: 
Guncannon Beam Rifle
240mm Cannon x2
Head-Mounted Vulcan
3-tube Arm Missile

High Performance Balancer
Frontline Support System: LV1
High Performance Aerospace Gimbal
High Performance Radar: LV1
High Performance Scope: LV1
Observational Data Link
Personnel Radar: LV1

Unit Type: Support
Environment Usage: Space, Ground
Environment Specialization: None
Melee Priority: 1

3-tube Arm Missile [Sub-Weapon #021]
Gundam Battle Operation 2 Wiki : Guncannon SML. We referred from the article.
Weapon type: 
Secondary Weapon, Live Ammo, Missile
Hit Effect: 
This weapon is a weapon built into the arm, which is rare for the Guncannon type. Unlike the Guntank-type weapon arm, this weapon also functions as a normal manipulator. The performance of the weapon is an easy-to-use missile weapon. Cumulative damage is rather high, with good power (300), ammo (9) and reload (10 seconds). This weapon is suitable for additional attacks against enemy machinery that is out of balance due to a cannon attack.

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