
Introduction of environmental adjustment rules "Cost +" and "Cost -"

Main text

In today's game environment, some environmental machines are dominant in the cost range, which narrows the options. Therefore, in order for "non-environmental machines" to participate, it is necessary to weaken the environmental machines or raise all non-environmental machines to environmental machines, but this time, we will not do either, but instead apply "a certain tweak" to the cost of some machines to alleviate the problem. Specifically, it is a method of adding a plus or minus to the end of the cost. Machines with "machine cost +" notation are too strong, so they require 50 more to participate than their normal cost, and machines with "machine cost -" notation are difficult to fight, so they require 50 less to participate than their normal cost. Even if the participation cost is changed, the performance of the machine itself will not change. The idea is to update the machine every two weeks, mainly in two cost ranges.

A "certain tweak" is used to restrict or change the cost range that the machine can be organized in. This is a temporary measure for the rating rules, and the previous cost range will be maintained in the quick match rules. Also, since this is not a permanent measure, there is a possibility that it will be reverted to the original state. Units with the "Unit Cost +" notation are too strong in the current cost environment, so they will participate by adding 50 to their normal cost (e.g., a "400+" unit can only participate in a 450 cost rating). The participation cost will change (e.g., defeating a "400+" unit will earn 450 points), but the unit's performance will not change.
Units with the "Unit Cost -" notation are weak and difficult to fight in the current cost environment, so they will participate by subtracting 50 from their normal cost (e.g., a "400-" unit can only participate in a 350 rating). The participation cost will change (e.g., defeating a "400-" unit will earn 350 points), but the unit's performance will not change.
"++" notation means +100, and "--" notation means -100.
For units marked "lv3 unit is 700+", only units with lv1-2 can participate in the rating unless the 750 cost range rule is set. For units marked "lv1 unit is 300-", only units with lv2 or higher can participate in the rating unless the 250 cost range rule is held.

The environment changes when units with different costs exist or units that should be there are no longer available. This may affect the pick-up of units. On the positive side, since there are no high-cost units (so-called environment units), we can expect a variety of units to be selected in that cost range. In addition, low-cost units (so-called unpopular or unfortunate units) are expected to be active while having an advantage in their status.

On the negative side, if a cost-plus unit is active in the migrating environment, the unit's performance from level 2 onwards (if not yet implemented, the result is a future prediction) will further improve, making it clear that it is unbeatable at its original cost. Furthermore, if a -cost unit cannot perform well in the new environment, the unit's appropriate cost will be lower than expected, highlighting the weakness of the original unit concept.

Such environmental changes will make the performance data for the cost range unclear, making it difficult to make adjustments based on the original environmental data. Furthermore, there will be problems if a +cost unit cannot perform well at all (units that only show their true value in a specific cost range environment) or if a -cost unit emerges as a new environmental unit (units that show their ferocity that was previously suppressed due to the lack of natural enemies).

The change itself does not necessarily work out well, and it is important to consider that user dissatisfaction will at least occur.